
I'm, sure you've spotted a few of the changes we've made. First of all they're pink, the reason for this is that pink is just a bit more en vogue, instead of the turquoise line which ran for the last three years. Now, for the more technical stuff. You have probably noticed that it's a much more conservative cut than last year's, this is due to the volume of feedback we got stating 'spillage' to be a major issue. We also feel the new conservative cut provides for an altogether more stylish, refined look, while still presenting enought thigh to enable them to ooze that familiar Hurst Sex appeal which you've come to know and love.
As well as the regular edition, there is also a special 'chaser' version available, specifically for the canoe polo position of chaser. These are, essentially, the same as the regular edition except with the text "CHASER" printed on the front, above the package pod and the text "CHASE THIS!" on the back.
As always, these sumptious speedos are available from all good sports equipment retailers for the price of €69.99 or by mail order (+€4 p&p). Personally, I can't wait to see the team (and more importantly, photographs of myself) proudly sporting these sexy bad boys at the Intervarsities. Why not show your support for Team Hurst by buying a pair and wearing them as you cheer me (and the rest of Team Hurst) on from the stands.