Eoin Hurst Photo Daily

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

I like giving treats (in every sense of the word, wink). I'm sure you've figured that out by now. Well, as a special Valentines treat I'm going to bestow upon you the first photo of the entire NUIG white water team, socialising together, post-training. Now, I know what you're thinking : "I don't care how handsome this quartet of paddle-propelled brilliance is, the white water teams are supposed to consist of 12 paddlers". Well that would be the conventional approach but the way I see it is: If you've got such a highly talented and beautiful group as these four handsome devils is there really any point in letting the team be bogged down by the dead weight of eight inferior paddlers? I think we both know the answer to that one.

We have been training for this endurance (of both the perfectly sculpted body and the perfectly honed mind) race by diving into the Salmon Weir, seal launching off the top of the kayak shed onto sheer concrete and smashing ourselves in the face with cement blocks. This is just to get our bodies prepared for what is to come. Of course, my body has been ready (and tense) for a matter of years now, but some extra pushing it to the limit can only be a good thing.

As you may have noticed there are no XXs on the team. I feel this is more than fair, after all we want to win, and those type of people lack both the asthetics and burning desire which is so crucial. We want to eat the sweet fruits of success and let their delicious juices run down our faces.


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