Symbolic Bowling

Hey there guys and girl-guys.
Well it has almost been a week since I took my group of long-distance padawans out for a little treat. I figured all their hard work really deserved a reward, so I brought them bowling. They've been training hard to compete at the theatre of dreams which I like to call the kayak intervarsities, and I felt it was the least they deserved. Now I know what you're thinking: "Boy Eoin, that's one hell of a present, but what does it have to do with long-distance?" Well friends, My apprentices couldn't figure it out right away either , but they soon cracked it. The Bowling lane is the perfect metaphor for long-distance: straight, long and flat, just the way I like it. When I told my vigilant pupils to think of the lane as a flat water course they soon got the hang of it, and why wouldn't they? It's not every day you get semi-expert tuition off a semi-pro paddler.
Well, As much fun as the boys and the girl-boys and I were having, the night was not without its unwanted interruptions, these came from thugs hoping to disrupt my semi-useful instruction. After I threatened one with a physical rebuke however they soon heard the voice of reason (my propellar (my fist)). Let me tell you, the body of a semi-long distance paddler is not one you want to trifle with.
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